Toma de notas de los materiales del curso para

El mundo académico confía en nosotros
Con millones de notas tomadas en todo el mundo
Más de 600.000 estudiantes en más de 50 países
Los estudiantes afirman que Amanote les ayuda a

Being able to see my slides, notes and all of the annotations tailored to my liking make it easier to study! Other note-taking apps do only the half of the things that Amanote can accomplish.

Amanote allows me to take notes on slides in an intuitive way that really helps me as a visual learner. It has made my note-taking and revision so much more efficient.

Amanote is an amazing app and helps a lot with note taking during class. This way my class and notes are much better structured and organized!

I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and this app helps me a lot.

Amanote enables me to take lecture notes much more effectively. I love how it combines the speed of taking notes on the computer with the convenience of being able to annotate lecture slides directly, and studying Econometrics, the easy to use math mode is extremely useful for me.
¿Cómo funciona?
Amanote se integra perfectamente con tu LMS o funciona de forma independiente como solución autónoma.
Instala Amanote en tu LMS
Instala el complemento de Amanote a través del mercado de tu LMS o mediante un script. En la mayoría de los casos, solo se necesitan unos pocos clics.
➜ Guía de instalaciónFacilitar el aprendizaje activo
Amanote transforma tu LMS en un entorno de aprendizaje interactivo. Todos los materiales de curso compatibles (PDFs, PowerPoints, ePubs, vídeos, etc.) se pueden anotar al instante, impulsando la participación de los estudiantes y promoviendo el aprendizaje activo desde el principio.
Fomentar el aprendizaje colaborativo
Los estudiantes pueden colaborar en los materiales del curso compartiendo sus notas con otros compañeros, agregando comentarios, haciendo preguntas o enlazando recursos útiles a cada página del material.

Explora por ti mismo
Obtén un acceso de prueba en tu LMS o en nuestra plataforma de demostración
Historias de éxito de clientes
Descubre cómo las instituciones están utilizando Amanote para mejorar el compromiso de los estudiantes
“We've been using online material sharing tools for several years (Moodle), but we wanted to make the experience more collaborative, going beyond the idea of just delivering content.”

“Initially, we were interested in this solution for our younger students, but we realised as soon as we started using it that Amanote is used by all types of students.”

“Amanote appealed to us for several reasons. First of all, its perfect integration in Moodle but also its ease of use and versatility (possibility to take both handwritten and typed notes, to position markers to annotate, to write equations etc).”

Lo que demuestra la investigación
Información sobre el compromiso de los estudiantes y los resultados del aprendizaje
Displaying the teacher’s slideshow on students’ devices prevents multitasking and promotes engagement during lectures
Michinov, N., & Hutain, J. (2023). Displaying the teacher’s slideshow on students’ devices prevents multitasking and promotes engagement during lectures. Active Learning in Higher Education, 0(0).
The study demonstrates that displaying the teacher's slideshow directly on students' devices during lectures significantly reduces multitasking and enhances engagement. This approach suggests that tools like Amanote, which display both the slides and note-taking interface together on student devices, can effectively prevent distractions and promote deeper involvement in learning.
How much mightier is the pen than the keyboard for note-taking? A replication and extension of Mueller and Oppenheimer (2014).
Morehead, K., Dunlosky, J., & Rawson, K. A. (2019). How much mightier is the pen than the keyboard for note-taking? A replication and extension of Mueller and Oppenheimer (2014). Educational Psychology Review, 31(3), 753–780.
This study replicated previous research suggesting longhand note-taking is superior to typing but found no significant difference in learning outcomes when students reviewed their notes afterward, regardless of the method used. This highlights the importance of tools like Amanote, which support both digital typing and handwriting to match each student's preferred note-taking style.
Lo que dicen los estudiantes
This is by far the best note-taking software I've tested so far.
Perfect application to reconcile note taking and course slides. It allows you to have everything on one support and avoid scattering.
Amanote makes it much easier for students to take notes and avoids wasting paper.
Amanote is the most intuitive solution I've found to date for annotating teacher slides.
Amanote is a great help for note-taking in audiences. Goodbye pen and paper and hello digital format!
I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and this app helps me a lot.
I have been using Amanote since the beginning of the year to annotate slides. I find it much more organized than OneNote.
The features offered by Amanote are ideal for studying. Thanks to Amanote I can study much more easily and the interface is easy to use!
Amanote makes it easy to take notes with slides without having to print them. It's a paper saver!
I use Amanote for all my courses, I'm in Bac 3 medicine at UCL. It's practical to take notes in class without worrying about the layout.
Amanote is an application that I am comfortable with for writing my summaries.
Amanote is an amazing app and helps a lot with note taking during class. This way my class and notes are much better structured and organized!