Gli appunti sul materiale del corso per

A note-taking app

Le Università innovative hanno scelto Amanote

Con milioni di appunti presi in tutto il mondo

University of Liège
University of Turin
University of Namur
University of Eastern Piedmont
University of Modena
University of Genova
University of Trieste
University of Fairfield
University of Liège
University of Turin
University of Namur
University of Eastern Piedmont
University of Modena
University of Genova
University of Trieste
University of Fairfield

Amanote aiuta più di 600,000 studenti in più di 50 Paesi

Gli studenti affermano che Amanote li aiuta a

Sentirsi più coinvolti in classe
Ottenere risultati migliori
Essere organizzati meglio
Daysi Franco
Emerson College

Being able to see my slides, notes and all of the annotations tailored to my liking make it easier to study! Other note-taking apps do only the half of the things that Amanote can accomplish.

Polly Hooton
University of Cambridge

Amanote allows me to take notes on slides in an intuitive way that really helps me as a visual learner. It has made my note-taking and revision so much more efficient.

Maxime Timmerman
University of Brussels

Amanote is an amazing app and helps a lot with note taking during class. This way my class and notes are much better structured and organized!

University of Mons

I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and this app helps me a lot.

Anton Grahed
London School of Economics

Amanote enables me to take lecture notes much more effectively. I love how it combines the speed of taking notes on the computer with the convenience of being able to annotate lecture slides directly, and studying Econometrics, the easy to use math mode is extremely useful for me.

Come funziona?

Amanote si integra perfettamente con il tuo LMS oppure funziona in modo indipendente come soluzione autonoma.

Installate Amanote sul vostro LMS

Installate il plugin Amanote tramite il marketplace del vostro LMS o tramite uno script. Nella maggior parte dei casi, bastano pochi clic.

Scarica la guida all’installazione

Facilitate l’Apprendimento Attivo

Amanote trasforma il vostro LMS in un ambiente di apprendimento interattivo. Tutti i materiali del corso compatibili (PDF, PowerPoint, ePub, video, ecc.) diventano immediatamente annotabili, aumentando il coinvolgimento degli studenti e promuovendo l’apprendimento attivo sin dall’inizio.

Promuovete l’Apprendimento Collaborativo

Gli studenti possono collaborare sui materiali del corso condividendo i loro appunti con altri studenti, aggiungendo commenti, ponendo domande o collegando risorse utili a ciascuna pagina del materiale.

Save & Export to PDF

Provate voi stessi

Richiedete un accesso di test sul vostro LMS oppure sulla nostra piattaforma di prova

Prova subito Amanote

AWS Marketplace
“Amanote is helping transform learning in both higher-education and staff training scenarios. Its app makes it easy to add notes and comments to coursework. This includes Slide, PDF and video-based educational content that is created for Learning Management Systems (LMS).”
AWS Qualified Software

La testimonianza dei nostri Partner

Scopri come le istituzioni partner stanno utilizzando Amanote per aumentare il coinvolgimento degli studenti.

Inizialmente eravamo interessati a questa soluzione per i nostri studenti più giovani, ma appena abbiamo iniziato a usarla ci siamo resi conto che Amanote è utilizzato da tutti i tipi di studenti

Emmanuelle Houet
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Amanote appealed to us for several reasons. First of all, its perfect integration in Moodle but also its ease of use and versatility (possibility to take both handwritten and typed notes, to position markers to annotate, to write equations etc).

Maxime Cruzel 
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Da diversi anni utilizziamo strumenti di condivisione dei materiali dei corsi online (Moodle), ma volevamo rendere l'esperienza più collaborativa, andando oltre l'idea della semplice distribuzione dei contenuti.

Valeria Folloni
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Cosa dicono le Ricerche

Approfondimenti sul coinvolgimento degli studenti e sui risultati dell’apprendimento.

Cosa ne pensano gli studenti

This is by far the best note-taking software I've tested so far.


Perfect application to reconcile note taking and course slides. It allows you to have everything on one support and avoid scattering.


Amanote makes it much easier for students to take notes and avoids wasting paper.


Amanote is the most intuitive solution I've found to date for annotating teacher slides.


Amanote is a great help for note-taking in audiences. Goodbye pen and paper and hello digital format!


I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and this app helps me a lot.


I have been using Amanote since the beginning of the year to annotate slides. I find it much more organized than OneNote.


The features offered by Amanote are ideal for studying. Thanks to Amanote I can study much more easily and the interface is easy to use!


Amanote makes it easy to take notes with slides without having to print them. It's a paper saver!


I use Amanote for all my courses, I'm in Bac 3 medicine at UCL. It's practical to take notes in class without worrying about the layout.


Amanote is an application that I am comfortable with for writing my summaries.


Amanote is an amazing app and helps a lot with note taking during class. This way my class and notes are much better structured and organized!

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