App para tomar notas en los materiales del curso para

A note-taking app

Desde universidades a grandes empresas

They trust us and count over 2 000 000+ notes taken with Amanote

University of Namur
AFEC Formation

Hacemos interactivos los materiales estáticos de tus cursos

Todos tus contenidos de aprendizaje estáticos (PDF, diapositivas, etc.) se convierten automáticamente en interactivos

Note taking on PowerPoint

¿Cómo funciona?

Amanote puede integrarse con tu LMS o utilizarse como una solución independiente.

Instala Amanote en tu LMS

Instala el «plugin» de Amanote en tu LMS, ya sea a través de la plataforma de tu LMS o a través del ejecutable. En la mayoría de los casos, solo requiere unos pocos clics.


Los alumnos toman notas

Amanote es una solución quick-win: todos los materiales de curso compatibles (PDF, PowerPoint, ePub, vídeo, etc.) de tu LMS pasan a ser automáticamente anotables por los alumnos. El impacto en la experiencia de aprendizaje es inmediato.

Guardar o exportar

Los alumnos pueden guardar y ver todas sus notas en Amanote o exportarlas como PDF o DOCX.

Save & Export to PDF

Aún más fácil gracias a la integración con LMS

Nuestro «plugin» facilitará las cosas y las integrará.

Inscríbete para comenzar la fase de prueba
Blackboard LMS
Moodle LMS
Totara LMS

Lo que dicen los alumnos

This is by far the best note-taking software I've tested so far.


Perfect application to reconcile note taking and course slides. It allows you to have everything on one support and avoid scattering.


Amanote makes it much easier for students to take notes and avoids wasting paper.


Amanote is the most intuitive solution I've found to date for annotating teacher slides.


Amanote is a great help for note-taking in audiences. Goodbye pen and paper and hello digital format!


I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and this app helps me a lot.


I have been using Amanote since the beginning of the year to annotate slides. I find it much more organized than OneNote.


The features offered by Amanote are ideal for studying. Thanks to Amanote I can study much more easily and the interface is easy to use!


Amanote makes it easy to take notes with slides without having to print them. It's a paper saver!


I use Amanote for all my courses, I'm in Bac 3 medicine at UCL. It's practical to take notes in class without worrying about the layout.


Amanote is an application that I am comfortable with for writing my summaries.


Amanote is an amazing app and helps a lot with note taking during class. This way my class and notes are much better structured and organized!

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