Boost your productivity

Search, annotate, highlight, summarize publications and extract the important parts ✨

Annotation app for researchers

Trusted in academic world

With more than 2 000 000+ notes taken with Amanote

University of Liège
University of Turin
University of Namur
University of Genova
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

How does it work?

Annotate sientific papers and articles.

Open a publication

Open the publication (PDF) directly with Amanote or search for publications with Amanote Research.

The user interface of the note maker

Read and annotate the publication

Take clear and structured notes next to each page of the publication. Highlight and annotate the important parts of the publication.

Export or see the Summary

Once finished, you can save the annotated document or export it as a PDF or a Word document. You can also generate a summary of your notes and all your highlights.

The user interface of the note maker

All the features you need

Amanote is delivered with a large set of features that ease your note taking and your study.

Formula & tools

Amanote let you insert mathematical or chemical formulas (LaTeX), drawings, charts, code, etc.

Note sharing

Amanote can generate a code that lets you easily share your notes to your friends.

Pencil Compatibility

Amanote is also compatible with a Pencil on computer and tablet. Ideal for aesthetic notes.
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